Free: Virtual assistant registration for readers

Weirdly – or perhaps not – a lot of people got excited about my column on how to hire a virtual assistant. For anyone wanting to give it a crack, is offering this deal to three inquisitive, desperate-to-delegate readers… is the world’s largest global marketplace for online jobs and has over 1,400,000 registered professionals and businesses.

On you can outsource anything you can possibly think of. Perhaps you want a website or some graphic design done? An iphone application built? Someone to blog about your business and get you on twitter and facebook? House plans designed? Marketing for your business? Something made in China?

As a special offer for readers of Sarah Wilson’s blog, register for a
free account and use the special discount coupon code “SARAH” at the
end of the signup process to be able to post three projects for free! (Note this
is exclusive of paying workers for actual work done).

Here are some helpful tips when posting your project:
1) Be as clear and detailed as possible when posting your job
description. The better you specify your project, the better the
2) Include in your description some examples of things you like or dislike
3) Evaluate all the bids that come in thoroughly, it helps if you make
a short list of what qualities you are looking for before you start
4) Don’t choose a service provider solely on price, you’ll find that
the bids will all be much lower than what you would normally pay! Look
for quality first, price second.
5) Tie payments to clearly defined project milestones. Don’t pay
workers in advance! Use our milestone payment system which will ensure
you won’t pay unless you are 100% happy with the work done.

6) Discuss and agree on ongoing support after the project is finished before you award it to someone.
Register now on with the coupon code “SARAH” and
give it a go! It’s as easy as eBay – anyone can do it.

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