My Books

Screenshot 2024 05 09 at 10.10.28 am My books

This One Wild and Precious Life

This One Wild and Precious Life is a soul’s journey through the massive complexities of climate change, the pandemic, racial inequalities, AI advances and our disconnection from what matters… and back to life. As in a big, wild, vibrant and connected life.

I hike around the world (Jordan, Outback Australia, Japan, Sierra Nevada) for three years to share this latest adventure. Following in the footsteps of Nietzsche, Wordsworth and my other favourite poets and thinkers, venturing deeper into nature, going to ‘spiritual edges’ and meeting monks, lovers and renegades along the way. I emerge with a blueprint for living a wilder, more connected life, and one that might just save our precious life on this planet.

There are two versions of the book. The blue is the original and the orange is the updated 2024 paperback, available in Australia, New Zealand and the UK. 

Screenshot 2024 05 21 at 11.26.14 am My books

first, we make the beast beautiful​

In first, we make the beast beautiful, I direct my focus onto this lifetime companion of mine, looking at the triggers and treatments, the fashions and fads. I read widely and interviewed fellow sufferers, mental health experts, philosophers, and even the Dalai Lama, processing all that I learn through my own experiences.

This is a small book with a big heart. I hope it will encourage the myriad sufferers of the world’s most common mental illness to feel not just better about their condition, but delighted by the possibilities it offers for a richer, fuller life.

This book became a New York Times bestseller and #1 Amazon bestseller when it was published in the US and UK in April 2018.
I Quit Sugar: Simplicious

I Quit Sugar: Simplicious

This book is fat. It contains 308 recipes and is geared toward sustainable cooking and eating. It’s all about food waste. The recipes are all geared toward saving money, the planet, time, palaver and washing up (80 per cent are one-pan meals). The recipes work with secondary cuts of meat, cheap vegetables, leftovers and the most nutrient-dense foods you can find. 

The favourite recipes that make it to Instagram (with the #Simplicious tag) are my Chocolate Cardamom Ganache Tart, all the good-for-your-gut gummies, and the Leftovers Chapter.

PS. No food was wasted in the making of this book! Even the scraps from the photography shoots were repurposed…into soup, pestos and staff lunches. 

I Quit Sugar: Simplicious Flow

I Quit Sugar: Simplicious Flow​

Flow is “not a normal cookbook”. Sure, it features more than 348 recipes and a showering of hacks and tricks (for making your own Keep Cup!). However instead of isolated recipes it features complete meal plans with shopping lists, where you use up every last bit of food to make what we call a “capsule cook”…a good 3-4 days of meals or easy lunches or a dinner party for 6. In one hit. Also, all meals are one-pan. Check out chapters such as “How to use up a tray of mangoes” and my recipe for Banana Skin Cake. 

My publisher calls it, “It is a manifesto for change, a challenge to us all to take charge of our kitchen, our expenditure, our time, our own health and the health of the planet.”

I Quit Sugar For Life

I Quit Sugar For Life

This is my second book and it takes things a step further. I cover cravings and lapses, and the best (scientifically proven) exercise and detoxing techniques. I talk about maximising your nutrition, eating sustainably and ethically. I teach you how to live with flow and less fuss. 

The book works as a series of wellness codes that extend the messaging from the sugar-quitting process. There are 148 recipes in this one, the most popular being the Kid Friendly Chicken (KFC), totable meals and One-Pot Wonders.

I Quit Sugar: Your Complete 8-Week Detox Program and Cookbook

I Quit Sugar: Your Complete 8-Week Detox Program and Cookbook

My first book, I Quit Sugar, is a step-by-step 8-week guide for quitting sugar, complemented by 108 sugar-free recipes, tips, science and techniques that will help you eliminate the white stuff for good. 

Recipes in this book include my Crunchy Nut Cheesecake and the ever-popular Raspberry Ripple. The book became a New York Times bestseller and an ABIA award winner.