Blogs that get people fired up

So I’m having a little break for a few days. Digesting Christmas lunch!

In my absence, a little rundown of posts you might’ve missed, especially if you’re new to this site. They’re the posts that attracted the most comments from everyone. I’m guessing that makes them the most controversial or annoying, not necessarily the most liked!


1. This one – healing auto immune disease: from someone who’s been there – continues to attract thoughts and ideas and share-ins. It’s my original rundown of how I manage my thyroid disease.

2. This post on why I don’t wear a bike helmet and this guide to hot bike helmets got many folk around the world passionately engaged in the topic.

3. This blog about the  secret to happiness was a hit.  Grethen Rubin shares her ONE, fail-safe tip (it’s incredibly simple).

4. And this guide to how to detox your beauty cupboard…makeup and beauty products that don’t contain toxins…I’m going to write more on this in the New Year…

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