A Friday shout-out to Fellow Four-Eyes: Some Special Specs for ya!

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If you like the lunettes I wear in the various pics above, know this: they’re $US99 INCLUDING THE PRESCRIPTION LENSES!

You can order them online today from Bonlook and have them perched on your nose in days. Different styles, sizes, shapes and colours.

Here’s how:

1. Simply click here.

2. Then choose the shape, size and colour you like. Clockwise from top, are Nomad in olive, Urban Dandy in tortoise (sunglasses), the Nomad again and La Marquise in black.

My favourites, though, are the Urban Dandy reading glasses in tortoise... I wear them all the time.


 3. Follow the instructions to fill in your prescription details and sizing. The best idea is to a) get the script off your optometrist (making sure they provide the details for the distance between your pupils etc) and b) go to a glasses shop, try on some styles, and note down the measurements (written on the inside of the arm of the glasses)…then find a style that has roughly the same measurements on the Bonlook site. I have a big face and head and so only choose the Large styles in women’s. So you know.

Full disclosure: I get 15% of any referrals to Bonlook. They approached me about this, and offered the commission based on the fact I’d referred so many people to their site after getting asked where I get my glasses from on Twitter etc 34891784 times.


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