All this kombucha experimenting has become something of a hobby. This recipe I’m sharing today kinda brings much of the tweaks together – how to make a fructose-free kombucha (using rice malt syrup), and how to pimp things up a treat, using the right quantities of essences and fruits.

This combo really does work amazingly well. The strawberries will lose their colour a little, but feel free to eat them – they’re lovely and fizzy and, of course, contain very little sweetness.
Strawberry and Vanilla Kombucha
- 3 cups plain kombucha
- 5-6 whole strawberries (fresh or frozen)
- ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract (not essence)
After removing the SCOBY from your plain kombucha, pour into a mason jar. Add the other ingredients, leaving 2cm room at the top, screw on the lid (this second ferment must be done sealed), and let sit at room temperature for 3-4 days depending on how warm your kitchen is. I like to keep the strawberries in there, but you can choose to strain after 1-2 days and then pour into a 750ml bottle (again, leaving 2-3cm of air at the top, and seal with a lid/cap) for the remaining 2 days before placing in the fridge. Also, you may wish to use a plastic bottle for this so you can test how fizzy it’s getting with a gentle squeeze.
Any combos you’ve been playing with? Do share…