I love how the interwebs work! As time passes a growing number of the Good Eggs who I’ve met online have been finding a way to interconnect and circle back and form a lovely, supportive e-Tribe. I e-met bloggers Gala Darling, Gabby Bernstein, Tara Stiles, Danielle LaPorte and Clare Bowditch all through independent e-avenues. And whattaya know, in the past month all of them have collided and intersected, and somehow I’ve been included in the ride. It’s almost become funny how often it has been happening.

Anyway. Let’s chat Danielle and Clare. Clare and I connected a few years ago over Twitter, and then over a cup of tea in Melbourne, and discovered we have much in common. Clare has since shared on my site about her autoimmune issues and earlier this year she interviewed me for her site. Huge heart. Hearty contributor to life.
Danielle – I’ve been mesmerised by her writing and lifestyle for yonks and used to follow her site White Hot Truth regularly. She tells it straight. I once wrote about giving yourself permission to quit “low rent” experiences, pivoting off a list Danielle put together, which included:
- check your email whenever the hell you want.
- return crappy products to their crappy manufacturers (because you can vote with your dollars).
- not finish reading books that you’re not really enjoying. Don’t force it, close it.
You can read the rest here.
Another time I wrote about how some of the most successful bloggers had ditched comments on their sites, Danielle being one of them.She did so to “make space for creative credo”. She likens it to “sitting around a campfire, under a big sky. We need room in order to hear, to be with our thoughts. We banter and converse and show up enough “out there, don’t we?”
Oh, yes. We do.
I was thrilled, then, when I found out a few days ago Clare is bringing Danielle LaPorte to Australia (for her first ever appearance) as part of Clare’s Big Hearted Business (un)Conference May 3 and 4. Details here.
Weekend tickets to the event include all keynotes, panels, lessons, morning tea, lunch, our “Find Your People” Afternoon Teas, the B.H.B. Sparkling Wine Party and gift-bags worth over $240. Joost and his team are doing all the waste-free food and flowers… I’ve interviewed Joost on my site here. He’s also part of my e-Tribe.
You can get tickets for the event here.
I’m giving away two tickets (each worth $587) to the conference. Here’s how you could win:
- Post the image below to your social media.
- Hashtag #BHB2014 so that Clare’s team can find you.
- Encourage your friends/followers to share the image, too and feel free to alert me to the share with a comment below.
Competition closes 5pm Monday April 28.
Winners will be notified via email and announced on social media on Tuesday April 29.
*Note: winners will need to be able to get themselves to Melbourne for the event.
If you have any questions on the event, post below and Clare will be only too happy to jump in and answer! x