Love my Whipped Coconut Frosting from Simplicious? Wait til you try this trick. Today’s bonus recipe takes whipped cream to another level.
Adding gelatin to your coconut cream gives it a super smooth texture perfectly mimicking whipped cream. Plus it gives you all the great health effect of the stuff.
Supercharged Coconut Cream
- One 400ml can of full fat coconut milk, chilled
- 2 tablespoons grass-fed gelatin
Using a stab mixer, blend coconut milk and add the gelatin in a slow and steady stream.
Continue mixing until soft supercharged peak form.
Use immediately (for example alongside your sugar-free dessert or on top of your smoothie) or store in the fridge and use within 4-5 days.
Bonus tip: add it to your coffee
Bloom a tablespoon of the mixture in your cup with some milk. Smoosh with a fork then add black coffee and stir to combine.
Have you tried this? Don’t forget to to use the hashtag #Simplicious when you share your creations on social media.