enjoy the smugness of not drinking (Australian Woman’s Weekly editor-in-chief Helen McCabe shares her thinking)

The other night I was having dinner with my mate Helen. We met about 16 years ago in Canberra, when she was starting out as a Channel 7 news reporter; I served her coffee at the this place in the city and was doing a political internship at the time. We then crossed paths briefly when she was deputy editor at The Sunday Telegraph and I was on Sunday Magazine. But we’ve mostly dined together, rather than work together.

The other night we were talking about not drinking. I’m obviously doing FebFast.

it was hard to miss, really...
it was hard to miss, really…

Helen’s not drinking because it’s a ritual she does each year. At dinner we almost fell off our stools we were so chuffed to be able to go out and not drink. We were beaming from our livers. Anyway, she had these thoughts on the matter….

Three years ago I decided to give up the booze in January for six weeks.

The decision followed a particularly busy few months socialising in the lead up to Christmas and the start of a very busy new year. So I decided to test myself and check out the life of a non-drinker which I have always suspected was rather dull.

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