Sunday life: a cup of tea with Edward do Bono (tell me your take on this one…!)

This week I meet Edward de Bono, the world’s most well-known thinker.spaceball Sunday life: a cup of tea with Edward do Bono (tell me your take on this one...!)

spaceball Sunday life: a cup of tea with Edward do Bono (tell me your take on this one...!)2267386530 36c48213e5 Sunday life: a cup of tea with Edward do Bono (tell me your take on this one...!)

So, it’s arranged we meet at an outdoor swimming pool on Friday morning. Which is a little odd. Edward De Bono, the world’s greatest thinker, is 75 and arrives with his aide, wearing a full suit and a superbly garish tie. He’s not here to swim. Odder still, he kicks off by grabbing my hand, leaning in close and telling me a really, really terrible… penis joke. The kind your Uncle Kevin tells at Christmas. He then suggests I marry a 6’4” Ugandan basketball player. Which, according to his aide, is what he tells all the girls.

Admittedly the penis joke loosely segued to the theme of happiness. Which is why we’re sitting poolside on a Friday. De Bono’s in Australia to talk at the Happiness & It’s Causes conference this week about how thinking makes life better. Me, I’m enduring penis jokes to ask, how so?

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