I debated whether to post this (a Sex and the City 2 tirade)…

I saw, I left, I’m still reeling.

Because this is what ones wears in the desert...
Because of course this is what ones wears when strolling in the desert...

This weekend, I parted with more than two hours of my existence and $5 to see the SATC2 movie here in New York. It offended from every angle and I fear writing about the experience is adding oxygen to the bonfire of crass consumerism, woeful colonial arrogance and destructive relationship messages that is this creation.

But there are some important things to be said on the matter.

* It’s off-kilter: I think right now Americans do not want to see themselves represented as crude spenders (every scene all four of them are wearing new outfits, one more decadent and showy than the next) and arrogant tourists.

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