a new york wrap

I’ve just got back from New York. Somehow I managed to sleep 8 1/2 hours on the plane. Which is so weird given I don’t sleep that long in a bed…ever! I adore the city. It makes life feel expansive. But before I forget, a flotsam of observations:

1. I don’t like shopping, but I like checking out shop names. This city has some great ones. Like this one:


2. On my last day, I spent the morning with Oprah’s life coach Martha Beck. She is a Dead. Set. Legend.  A wonderfully wise soul who has LIVED. She was raised a Morman in Utah, raped by her Dad, had a Downs Syndrome child then shortly after her husband announced he was gay and left. Not long after that she realised she was also gay. Hmph.


As we drank tea, she bent a spoon.

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