Atlas reconnect: the deal?

I AM the human guinea pig! Can’t help myself. I mentioned the other day I’d tried Atlas Reconnect… because the idea was planted and I figured I should test it. It’s a funny little technique – it involves a practitioner using a pen-like device that sends pulses into the soft tissues around the atlas vertebra, the top bone of the spine.


This loosens things enough to allow the atlas to naturally slip back to its natural position. Natural? Apparently so. Most of us have an atlas that’s disconnected which in turn causes all kinds of ailments – crap digestion, headaches, general foginess, sleep problems, bad posture and so on – from poor blood supply getting to the right parts of our bodies.

* I did the adjustment with Sean Innis, who brought the concept into Australia and trains up other practitioners around Australia. He’s a dude.

* it takes one session only – about 45 minutes

* there’s no manipulation or cracking – just the buzzing pen thing

* it costs $200 ($100 for kids) you can find a practitioner here.

How did I find it? I emerged from the treatment pretty spacey and floaty.

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