I’m off.

As you read this, I’ll be on my merry way to the airport.

I'm off.
Photo by Nick Meek

To this very moment, I’m not 100% sure where I’m going (after I land in London; read below for how I’d love your help on this). Or why. Two weeks ago I did a post on being a modern day nomad and that my challenge is trusting that I need to move on, often. And being OK with moving one dot at a time:

“But it’s become my latest experiment…to trust that the dots will join and that I must simply move to the next dot. I don’t have to have a complete picture; I just have to look out for the next one. Then the next…This, of course, entails constantly watching for serendipitous opportunities.

Alright then. Time to do it.

how it will work

Looking out for serendipitous opportunities…It will entail being quite mindful and less rushy than I normally am. It will entail taking up offers and invitations and ideas as they come up, gleaning advice from people who know more than me and just trusting from there. Few plans, just trusting.

I read a while back the best way to make decisions is to defer to others who know more than you. We have limited decision-making energy. So the less we use of it – by deferring – the more energy we have left over for good, important decisions.

I also have a few aims.

I’d like to record them so I can come back to them. Also, by putting them out to the world, as I am now, it means I have a better chance of honouring them.

* I want have to disconnect. Unglue myself from social media ties. It’s influencing my nervous system, my cerebral synapses. Even when I meditate, my whole nervous system can’t “let go” of this attachment to engagement. I keep ricocheting away from mindfulness to my “I need to respond to…” or “I have to update…” default positions. It’s got me really sad of late. To the point where I’ve been snapping with people, annoyed that they’re another commitment, another thing to respond to.  Terrible. Terrible. I’ve written a post on this, which will run in the next few weeks.

Could I do it where I am, here in Australia. Nope. I have to have a symbolic break. I need a holiday from it. I need a holiday (it’s been 7 years since I’ve had more than two days offline).

* I’m looking for a new home. Australia ain’t cutting it for me just now. I’m not nation bashin’ or nothin’. Well, perhaps I am. My position is this: I find the political and social climate here flaccid. It’s been too good for too long and we’ve lost the striving, surging forward, fired up spirit that once defined us. Politics is a shamble, but it’s merely a reflection of where we’re all at.

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