This study by the University of Minnesota and Harvard University reveals that when we ritualise food – even in the most bizarre ways – it enhances the food experience.
I rather agree with this, as someone who has both a ritual for almost every food she eats and who loves food more than words can express. And so it has always been.
I pull apart all food into separate components. Then I eat the separate components, on their own. Then I eat them in different combinations. I think this is how I come up with recipes – from trying new flavour combinations.
When I was a kid, Mum would give us peanuts and sultanas in a plastic camping mug. I would eat them as “hamburgers” – one sultana squished between two peanuts.
I had to eat the hair off the “Gollywog” biscuit. After that I wasn’t all that interested in the rest.
I ALWAYS save the best thing on the plate until last.
I eat lemon garnishes. I use a wedge of lemon to scoop up the last of the sauce on a plate.