Just Show Up

One of the highlights of my stay here in New York has been connecting with author, blogger and spiritual junkie Gabby Bernstein. Gab did my I Quit Sugar program a few months ago, blogged and SM’d about it to her vast and adoring audience and suddenly we were in each other’s orbits.

Hilarious: Rushing to get to Better TV show to chat #iqs AND LOOK WHO I RUN INTO!?!?! The ephemeral Gabby Bernstein (an #iqs convert)!
Hilarious: Rushing to get to Better TV show to chat #iqs AND LOOK WHO I RUN INTO!?!?! The ephemeral Gabby Bernstein (an #iqs convert)!

The funny thing is this: our books – I Quit Sugar and Miracles Now – both came out in the US on exactly the same day (last Tuesday), they both feature 108 recipes and spiritual tricks (respectively), then we randomly met each other on launch day when we appeared on the same TV show here in NY (she heard my voice in the corridor), then we dined that night. And then we shared some more.

I don’t talk “God” or “soul sistas” or about channeling The Light, but I’ve always had an affinity with people who do. I guess it’s because I talk, feel and live this stuff, but from a slightly different slant. Same view, different angle. And there’s nothing I like more than to look at the view while perched alongside someone who evokes it tantalizingly differently to me.  It gets me thinking fresh. That’s

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