How I wrote my 8-Week Program Meal Plans

The next round of my I Quit Sugar online 8-Week Program starts June 5 and you can sign up now and join the 300,000 other peeps around the world who’ve done it, either via my books or online.

Tandoori Chicken with Indian Rice Salad
The I Quit Sugar Tandoori Chicken with Indian Rice Salad

In this next round you’ll still have the option to choose from two Meal Plans: the standard (meat inclusive) 8-Week Program Meal Plan and the Vegetarian Meal Plan.

If you’re wanting to check it out and ask any questions, or sign up, click here.

One of the questions I get asked constantly, however, is whether the Plans fit with current dietary guidelines. The short answer is: abso-bloody-lutely. The longer one requires that I share how I actually devise my recipes, meals and plans…

1. I prioritise dense nutrition. At every opportunity. I find ways to supply foods with the densest nutrition in every meal. This means:

  • Prioritising (and adding extra) leafy greens and high-quality fat and protein at every meal.
  • Preparing food to preserve (and maximise) enzymes and bacteria for digestion.
  • Minimising toxins (from harmful grains and legumes) and empty calories (from, um, sugar and processed carbs).

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