19 extra tips for fixing constipation

A few weeks ago, I ran a post by Dana from Hypothyroidmom.com on how she reversed her constipation. Boy, a lot of us are blocked up, hey!? (I’m really tempted to drop some poo puns in here…like how the response created a sh*t storm… but will hold it in… I mean refrain.) I’ve since put together a follow-up post for you with the extra tips shared in the comments – far from a comprehensive list, but some great ideas.

Image via Favim
Image via Favim

Some of the common themes that came through in the comments:

1. Cut back on dairy as it has a protein called casein which can sometimes slow things down.

2. Take psyllium husk regularly. Although, if you are going to go down this road, please up your intake of water. If you don’t, it will simply worsen the constipation. I’m personally not so keen on psyllium husks. If you get occasional constipation, it’s OK. But for many, the husks can actually form a hard “plug” that, well, is immovable. Slippery elm powder is a far better solution – see below.

3. Take some colloidal silver consistently for about a week. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the stuff, you can read more about it here. And here’s an opposing view stating reasons against ingesting it. I’ve not tried it myself.

4. Get a colonic. I have a range of thoughts on colonics. For anyone seriously stuck, it’s a neat way to re-boot. I don’t like the idea of using them as a regular “detox” tool – unnecessary, potential risks and not “natural” (Just Eat Real Food instead).

5. Eating clay. You can read more on the topic here.

6. Load up on seasonal greens. In winter, make green soups, put spinach in everything and have some spirulina with warm water and a dash of lemon juice.

7. Take bitter melon capsules. Reader Danni says: “I have a thyroid problem and have suffered many of the problems outlined above. I have been taking two bitter melon capsules (read more about them here) after each meal and have found

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