How to be sustainable with your coffee habit

I drink coffee. I love the stuff. But I have to say I’ve been wondering how mindful I’ve been about it lately. I decided to dig around a bit and get informed. I’ve adjusted my habit accordingly. Feel free to do so too because every little bit of care counts.

We have more than one kilo of undigested plastic in our systems from ingesting our foods via bourgeois accoutrements...
We have more than one kilo of undigested plastic in our systems from ingesting our foods via bourgeois accoutrements…


1. Don’t do disposable coffee cups. Just don’t.

You might already know that it takes at least 400 years for a coffee cup lid to decompose (actually, we don’t know this; every bit of plastic ever created still sits somewhere on the planet, increasingly in the guts of whales, fish and our children, and it’s possible that it will never break down), and that most of the cups themselves are also lined in plastic.

We also know that most of the lids contain BPA, a known endocrine disruptor (linked to breast and prostate cancer, early puberty, obesity, autism and fertility issues) that has been banned in many other products.

Disposable cups are a travesty for anyone with autoimmune disorders, too.. When the hot liquid passes through the plastic lid as you drink your coffee, it has been shown BPA is drawn out of the plastic by the acidity levels and the heat. BPA is a known thyroid/endocrine disruptor, a tedious

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