The time I did something mildly generous and it kept going…

Today I share a lovely story that unfolded over the past two weeks, culminating in a triple donation (and dominoing) of a piece of artwork I auctioned last week.

It went like this. This letter below arrived in the mail on February 4 from someone called Hazel. With no last name, return address or email.

Hazel’s letter. February 2015.

I couldn’t reply to her direct, so I posted the letter on my social media in the hope it might reach her and just because it was such a sunny, funny letter. A number of people linked me to Hazel on Facebook and Instagram (good on you Cosi!) sharing their heart-felt fondness for the girl, illustrating just how good social media can be (which, in conjunction with a similar experience I had yesterday, makes me think social media is slowly becoming a true force for kindness).

We connected over email a few days later and marveled at…the connections. I hope she doesn’t mind

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