Intermittent fasting for food addiction? Let’s discuss.

I’m a cautious fan of intermittent fasting and have previously shared my thoughts on the best way to go about it. But I picked up on something in an interview with American integrative doctor Chris Kresser recently that stoked the fasting fire a little.

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As something of a side note to his ramble about how he personally flirts with this particular food fad, he mentions the spiritual aspect of intermittent fasting:

“Where for some people who can get a little addicted to certain aspects of food or certain types of food or our relationship to food starts to feel a little bit out of whack, then intermittent fasting can be one way of resetting that.” He goes on:

“(Intermittent fasting) can really set you free from some habitual patterns around food.” 

I reflected on this a bit. I personally have rigidity around a few food issues. I get anxious when a meal is not a proper meal. And I’ll eat a heaping meal even if I’m not hungry. I struggle to respect my appetite. To manage this

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