suffering for existence

The opening line to Graham Greene’s The End of the Affair is thus:


So Graham Greene. I love his pared-back writing. He plonks the squirmy bits about life and relationships on the page via characters who are invariably flawed in quite banal ways. I find he treats his characters like Agatha Christie does a plot, inviting the read to keep going, and going even though you know the twist.

Anyway, to the quote above. It’s a comforting truth.


Comforting? Yes, if you’ve had pain (big pain), there is solace in knowing that your suffering has a point. Always. Much of the despair we feel during tough times derives from a sense we shouldn’t be feeling so despairing. And so the angst is fueled. To know that our suffering uncovers aspects of ourselves – of our heart no less – turns down the

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