I hope this doesn’t inconvenience anyone, or perhaps I’m kidding myself to think it would.

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I won’t be posting for a while. My computer has died, I lost my phone, and my anxiety levels have peaked. And I’m having my first real holiday in seven years (in which I don’t have to finish a book, write extra recipes, do a photo shoot in Copenhagen…).

To be honest, I think the above first world annoyances have all happened so as to put me in my current predicament. Which is to say they’ve forced me to shut down. It is not the first time that the universe has done a “deus ex machina” job on me. You might be like me. It takes a nudge then a tap then a bloody big shove before you listen to what life and all your inside feelings are trying to say.

I’m going to be sharing fun images on Instagram (on the new phone I had to buy… killing me) and Facebook.

See you on the flip side.


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