Are you an eco-hypocrite?

We’re drowning in eco-wash. I’d be pleased about this state of affairs, except that regularly – neigh daily – I observe moments of earnest environmental engagement that gets it so selfishly, blindingly, egoically wrong.

Via Take 3 for the Sea campaign
Via Take 3 for the Sea campaign

Dangerously so.

Indeed the only the only thing worse than ignorance, is righteous hypocrisy. The latter being a far more stubborn force.

Really, this post is just a rant of things that tick me off. I’ve encountered all recently, or regularly. I’d love you to share your thoughts and expand on the list. We do need to hold a mirror up to ourselves, don’t we?

1. Organic food…wrapped in plastic

At supermarkets, standard, non-organic vegetables are sold loose. Insanely, it’s the organics that come

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