Wondering what I should do with this blog…thoughts?
Hello there, Can I ask a favour? This blog has been around a bit. It needs some freshening up. I mean, that header photo! The
Hello there, Can I ask a favour? This blog has been around a bit. It needs some freshening up. I mean, that header photo! The
I read the other day, in the New York Times, about the phenomenon of “hiding in plain e-sight”. Oh, yes, it’s such a “thing”. HIPES
Last week my phone died and I paid a visit to – deep breath – the Apple store to have an over-pierced kid sort out
Apparently 2014 is the year of joyfully missing out, or JOMO. You haven’t heard? I came across this new buzz term when a UK magazine
Anyone who blogs, or finds themselves really quite glued to their social media feed, asks this of themselves intermittently. I do. I have my answer
I have days when I resent blogging. I’ve been blogging now for almost four years, 3-4 posts every week, largely unpaid for my toils, sometimes
There’s a long story behind how I came across this poem, written by a second grader*. Social media…it’s a curious thing. The poem, however, is
A few weeks ago a bunch of “followers” on Twitter arked up about the fact I don’t follow all the people who follow me. One
…Well, a few things. Straight up, I’ll be filing my final Sunday Life column this week. Almost 130 experiments in how to make life better…you’d
I’m in Melbourne. So I’m on the fly. So today I just post something I found interesting. A new survey (conducted by a vitamin company