start your day with sun on your face (say doctors)

There’s an Italian proverb: “Where the sun does not go, the doctor does”. Doctors are now scrambling to get out studies that say pretty much the same. But with more words. Basically because they’re finding that we all need more Vitamin D. It plays a humongous role in preventing cancer, osteoporosis and a bunch of … Read more

learn how to live longer: 5 eye-opening ideas from (yet another) rad TED talk

I’m a big proponent of the idea that “everything we think we know about health is wrong”. It’s a big call. But I stand by it.

2282254370 7f2d8265a1 learn how to live longer: 5 eye-opening ideas from (yet another) rad TED talkI got more proof when I came across this TED presentation from Dan Buettner. Dan was commissioned by the US Government to work out what factors contribute to longevity in Blue Zones (communities around the world where a stack of people live to 100).


Here’s 5 points I liked. They’re not really what we’re used to hearing, are they!

1. No exercise plans.
In lieu of ‘exercise’ these communities were all active and avoided stagnant conveniences and shortcuts in life that promoted laziness.

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