tuesday eats: the raw food diet and a podcast with crazy kid David Wolfe

It’s a movement that hasn’t really struck here in Australia. I’m seeing signs. In LA and New York it’s huge.

*This blog post has been updated on February 5, 2016 and now reflects my current stance on eating raw foods.


I’m talking raw. And it’s very much a movement. When I was in New York I checked out a few. My favourite whimsical person Gala Darling and I met for raw spanikopita made with almond feta at One Lucky Duck in Gramercy. Beyond good!!

Possibly it’s most colourful proponent is David Wolfe. I’ve heard David Wolfe speak a few times. He quite possibly has too much energy for this lifetime. Turns out I spoke to him this week about going raw.

Here’s the podcast. You’ll have to bear with me…it was my first time using Call Recorder on Skype and it’s full of typically  awkward Sarah-ish glitches. It goes for about 15 minutes:


Now. Not everyone wants to go completely raw. I don’t. But there are a few things to know about eating MORE raw food that might pique your interest. The gist is a little somethin like this:

* There are two main sources of enzymes for digesting food and turning it into energy. They’re found inside the food itself, and in us.

* According to the raw foodies, food enzymes are destroyed when food is heated over about 116 degrees F or 46 degrees C. Which means we have to use our own enzymes to break down cooked food.

* BUT our bodies have a limited supply of enzymes. And when they deplete, we age faster. So the less we use (and get from food instead) the better.

Raw foodies ferment and soak grains and nuts to make them digestible. Or slow cook food at low temperatures. And cure meats with lemon and other acids (as in carpaccio)

Me, I personally like warm mushy foods… An argument can also be made about some vegetables requiring heating in order to make their vitamins and minerals available, such as starchy veg like potato. The valuable nutrients are contained in the starch and in order for out bodies to absorb them we need to cook the vegetable to make it easier for our body to break down.

I suggest having a combo of both raw and cooked veg so you get the best ban for your buck.

If you’re interested in learning more hear him talk during his Australian tour next in February and March. He’s talking on permaculture, doing workshops and sharing his raw chocolate recipes (I’ll share these in a bit).

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