Things YOU love to love

My ‘love what you love’ post a few days ago has been getting great suggestions and ideas for loving what YOU love. I wanted to share some with you. As well as a fun pic of Juliette Lewis playing drums. Because it’s Friday.

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The very amusing Adam Cordner said “I LOVE Comics and the Delorean(car) from Back To The Future! There, I said it. I’m going to find a Delorean and restore it to the film standard, then when I stop at the traffic lights I’ll scream at people “what year is this!”

Mel shared: tanned feet, camping sans luxury under big trees, boogie boarding…the kind u did when u were 10 resulting in lots of sand in the gusset of ur cosies, French romantic comedies, riding fast down hills with the wind in my hair, swishy dresses, second hand everything, dancing by myself, men with soul….

Ella‘s list included “napping with my head at the foot of my bed. Catching the train in the middle of the day, when it’s quiet, through the city and watching the skyscrapers slide past. The apple and peanut butter combination!”

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