where women go wrong: they give away their feminine power

Satoshi Kanazawa, evolutionary psych and author of Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters came out with some statement this week that men typically lie upwards and women typically lie downwards.

He uses this argument to then highlight a point I think he’s rather proud of: the one thing that women don’t realise about their feminine power…


They actually have more of it than they realise.

He says:

It is true that, in all human societies, men largely control all the money, politics, and prestige.  They do, because they have to, in order to impress women.  Women don’t control these resources, because they don’t have to.  What do women control?  Men.

But he argues:

Men pretend that they make more money, are taller and have had more sexual partners.  In contrast, women pretend that they are younger, lighter and less sexual. In a word, less. He points out (apart from height) these dimensions only increase with time, so women lie and pretend to be what they used to be before in the past, whereas men lie and pretend to be what they will be in the future.

The females of all mammalian species, including humans, always have more power than the males,

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