I tweeted recently about how funny it was that family photos for anyone who was a young kid in the ’70s are identical – same props, same setting, same clothes. Let’s see what I mean…
Any of these so very random captures familiar to you?
* you and sibling(s) in a wheelbarrow
* first day of school shot. You’re in uniform; younger sibling is wearing a pirate outfit (or vice versa). Perhaps they’re holding their capgun. Or sporting a batman cape. Whatever. It’s convincingly competing with your uniform. You’re smiling. They’re looking well grumpy.
* you as a toddler holding a beer can. Better still, an over-sized beer can.
* you as a toddler with a plastic ice cream bucket on your head
* family photo, often taken after church (when you’re all in your good clobber, knees scrubbed; thongs washed; BMX tee tucked into Rugger shorts). Me, I was mostly holding the youngest (and have wonky hips to show for it now…that one on my lap above…almost 12 lb when he was born!).
* wearing corduroy overalls with a coloured skivvy. That every other sibling also wore at some point.
* in a bath. With your brothers. And your cousins. It’s Christmas time and you’re so very not happy about the arrangement.