try this: two commitment weekends

Far too many of us get our weekends wrong. We don’t rest. We try to catch up. Catch up on emails, chores, with people.

02islandweek try this: two commitment weekends
Image by Christoph Niemann

As I’ve said soooo many times before, the biggest challenge we face now is pushing back commitments. Life used to be about chasing and finding and accumulating information and ideas and commitments.

Now, the true art of living a good, full life lies in pushing back.

Creating boundaries, preserving your energy, keeping a piece of yourself for yourself. I’ve been concertedly practicing this art for a few years. It takes bravery and boldness. But as I start to master it I can see the benefits.

You might like to read this musing on the need for space, and this one on the need for rest, and this one on email boundaries.

And so it was I came across this idea of a “two commitment weekend”. I have a friend who mentioned this idea to me recently. He says yes to two things only on a weekend. The rest of the weekend has to free-flow. Years ago, my beauty editor at Cosmopolitan would not take on commitments on a Sunday.

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