i love copenhagen style: a perve

When I was in Copenhagen a few weeks back, Marija and I came up with a great way to meet locals. Especially the men.

Seen my Slow Food and Biking Guide to Copenhagen yet?

We would approach, explain that I’m an Australian journalist and that the two of us were doing a small photo essay and could we take their photo. Well. It worked. The Danes are notoriously reserved (not shy or necessarily cold; they just keep to themselves), but once you approach them first, they’re really rather open and warm and chatty. And not judgy of a stupid tourist antic like the one I describe.

M7A3840 i love copenhagen style: a perve
UM. Some of you might recognise these from somewhere? Those Danes…stylin’!

And so, a photo essay evolved.

The men are very handsome in these parts. We were dumbfounded. We named the phenomenon: CopenhagMen. And we coined our series of photos: “CopenhagMen with…”

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