We’re moving onwards…and I’d love your thoughts

I have a Little Announcement on a Monday. In the New Year, you’ll notice a few changes to this site. They’re being made, partly in response to feedback you’ve given me over the year. I listen! I do!

22highway We're moving onwards...and I'd love your thoughts
Image by Christoph Niemann

In a snappy statement: the I Quit Sugar adventure, which has taken on a life of it’s own over 2012, will be launched in a fresh, bold, new direction in early 2013. It’s been estimated more than 60,000 people have done my 8-Week Program. Eleven months ago, when I first launched the program, I never expected it to penetrate so far. I put out that first ebook because YOU asked me to. Jo and I got repeated requests to have the tips and techniques set out in an all-in-one package. So that’s what I did.

A year ago I told those around me I’d be happy if I  could affect change in the health of a few hundred people. How rad would that be?! Well, it all got far more radder than I could ever have hoped for.

So I Quit Sugar will be branching out on its own adventure.

And I will continue to share all manner of other stuff here on this blog: my spiritual stuff, my political musings, my life detox efforts, my travel adventures and, well, whatever I get into next. While the new IQS adventure will see further support programs, meal plans and recipes to help more people quit sugar and realise real wellness. Again, YOU asked for it.

Speaking of Jo: I’ve assembled a little team who will be riding the train(s) with me. As of this week,

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