Coffee almond gummy squares recipe

As promised, a gelatin recipe to get you on your way to loving this MEGA POWER food. If you haven’t already, please read my post from last week outlining the thrills and spills of eating gelatin. It’s life-transforming stuff.

My chocolate coffee almond milk gelatin gummy squares - recipe below
My coffee almond milk gelatin gummy squares – recipe below

This one today is an easy one to start with and is a great breakfast-and-coffee-in-one solution. Three or four of these will fill you up a treat. In a good way.

I’ve spent the past few weeks experimenting with the best way to make these things. Everyone has a different technique…but many, I find, fail to recognise they’re destroying enzymes by heating things at the wrong point.  Or they use more dishes over more stages than required. So here, a simple technique to work to.

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