You asked for cheeseburger dim sims…here they are!

You might recall (it was a while ago; I Quit Sugar: Simplicious was a two-year project) I asked you all what you’d like to see featured in the new book I was writing. I took your very long list to heart and tried to incorporate as many of your requests as possible. I shared one of the reader requests a few weeks back, my Simplicious homemade bacon.

Today, three more recipes from your wish list that found their way into the book: Cheeseburger Dim Sims, a take on the Aussie Golden Gaytime, and a Bacon ‘n’ Egg Porridge (yes, savoury porridge!).

Cheeseburger Dim Sims, photo by Rob Palmer
Cheeseburger Dim Sims, photo by Rob Palmer

Cheeseburger Dim Sims

So much potential wrongness, right? But, I tell you, this is close to my favourite recipe in the book.

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