“Clean Eating is a Myth”…and 5 other things I got right

Almost six years ago I quit sugar. I coped flack for this. Did I what.

When it came around to publishing my first book I Quit Sugar I ran the below Arthur Schopenhauer quote upfront, by way of highlighting where I thought the whole debate just had to head. Eventually.

Image via quotefancy.com
Image via quotefancy.com

Someone referred to this quote at a public talk I gave recently, asking me if I still copped flack (ridiculed) or if we’d moved onto the next stages of truth (acceptance).

I hadn’t thought about it since I included it in the book. But I did now. I answered thusly,

The ridicule has backed off big time. The trolls have quietened down. For half a decade I’ve served back science and reason as my response. It kind of pinned them to their wall.
The opposition is still there. It looks different now. It’s less violent. However, it’s becoming more mercurial, more seemingly reasoned. Like the one about how everything in moderation is great (not really possible with sugar, which is the foundation of my argument) and that we just have to burn off off the excess calories (thus positing the issue as merely one of empty calories).
But I think we’re well on our way to viewing what I’ve been saying for the past 5 1/2 years as common sense. I was even recently tagged the “sensible voice” in the wellness debate by a newspaper that had previously sledged me as “extreme”.

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