Do you rumble with the truth?

Brene Brown. I mean, how much do you just dig her? Of the various life experts that I’ve met over the years she is probably the most authentic. We cried when we met. You can read what she shared with me to prompt the tears here. Anyways, Brene shared this recently on Instagram:


If we’re living consciously we rumble with the truth, don’t we. We don’t waltz with it, or sit calmly with it. We wrestle around with it and steer it and heave it, tirelessly, in more and more gallant directions. At least we do if we want the better ending.

We don’t want to accept an ending that’s beneath what we feel is the point of our existence. Actually, we can’t.

Do you feel there is more to this mortal coil than what is served to us on the conveyor belt? Sure, we can stick to

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