have a sweet weekend March 19 xx

It’s Friday and sunny. Who’s to complain? I hope you STILL have no plans for Sunday.

And that you’re paving your own road out there, perhaps through a green field??!!!


Me, I’m off to a wedding in Perth. My mate James Thomas, a reporter on Today Tonight, is getting married. Finally. James was the first person in the world to visit me in hospital when I was born (he’s a few months older than me; his mum and dad are best friends with mine). As he announced at his 30th birthday, after I gave the speech, “we tried kissing once, when were about 18, but it was like pashing my sister”. Which is what a brother would say, right! Ooooh, but in different circumstances. OK, I’ll climb out of that hole now…

Anyway, some nice stuff to share over a glass of pinot grigio in the autumnal evening glow, perhaps:

1. Know you’re not alone when you Just. Don’t. Feel Like being a grown up. (But learn to go there anyway): I love this quote from Julius Erving…

“Being a professional is doing the things you love to do, on the days you don’t feel like them”.

Kind of spurred me on this week to get real about what I’m doing. When you work for yourself you can find all kinds of sabotaging excuses for not getting stuff done on off days.

I also emailed back and forth with Seth Godin during the week. Which excited me no end. The guy is a genius.

His post “I don’t feel like it” is a reminder to pull you finger out if you really want to create great things. Seth’s new book Linchpins touches on the importance of pushing through “the resistance” and fighting “the lizard brain” so that you can deliver your artistic gift.

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