Have a sunny weekend April 9 xxx

Before this weekend starts, let talk about this morning. Fan-friggen-tastic. This is where I was this morning. The pic’s courtesy of Eugene from Aquabumps, who, admittedly – sorry Uge –  I almost collided with on my bike as I took the corner into Icebergs. I was listening to Kelley Stoltz’ Wave Goodbye. Listen to it … Read more

naming your blog/business/book: some inspiration

I’m thinking of a new name. For this blog (feel free to send suggestions?) and some other bits and pieces I’m working on. I like thinking of new names and marveling at other people’s clever names. One’s I’ve liked: I Peck Your Pun (fashion label), I Was Told There’d Be Cake (a book by …and … Read more

healing auto-immune disease #7 (some anti-inflammatory eating tips)

rejigging your health will ONLY come down like a stack of cards if you wear floral tights

Perhaps you thought I’d dropped this series? Nope. Just taken a spell.

But I just came across this rundown of tips for eating for auto-immune disease from Melbourne naturopath Gill Stannard. Definitely worth a bit of a share.

I’ve cut out the salient bits:

* The “Mediterranean Diet” is a good model to eat by. This lowers inflammation and is based around eating plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables, legumes and other unrefined carbohydrates, fish fresh from the sea, local olive oil unheated on salads and a little sheep’s milk yoghurt.
* Oils – fish, fresh nuts, seeds and raw plant oils, especially omega 3’s. Avoid polyunsaturated, animal fats, margarines and heated oils (anti-inflammatory)
* Eat lots of green and orange vegetables (organically grown when possible).
* Shitake mushrooms provide good immune support.

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