how to earn $1000 a month selling my books on your blog (plus a sugar-free almond butter fudge recipe)

You might not be aware of this, but each month more than 300 people out there on the interweb are earning extra cash – up to $1000 a month – by sharing the I Quit Sugar message among their readers. Some of you have been asking how this affiliates set-up works. And how you can do the same. So I’ll share. I’m also taking a little moment to thank the affiliates out there who’ve supported me over the past year or so.

This is a sugar-free creamy almond butter freezer fudge from Megan at Detoxista’s site. Her efforts have made her the top affiliate last month.

From time to time I like to give gifts to the most enthusiastic affiliates – last month the sleek Maria at Scandi Foodie was that enthused person (thank you thank you!) and I am sending over $500 worth of vouchers and prizes to say…thank you thank you! Check out how she does it so well here. And also scroll down below to see how a couple of other affiliates are doing it…in a way that’s helpful and effective and not…sell-in-ish. If you know what I mean.

Firstly, what IS an affiliate program?

A clever way for you to take part in spreading the sugar-free message with me. If you liked the ebook/s,  share your thoughts on it/them with your readers, and I’ll help you make some money for your efforts.

Can anyone be an affiliate?

Yep! You can. You can run your affiliates through your website, as well as a newsletter, magazine, put it in your email auto-signature, or share on your social media sites.

What do you get?

For my affiliate program, 30% commission on every sale that goes through your site. This means you make $8.70 on the bundle deal

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