A slow food and hiking guide to Hobart and Freycinet

It’s become quite a thing…these slow food and hiking guides. I’m glad you like them. From my point of view, if I get 100 people to leave their comfort zone and get out of the city to move and eat real food in regional areas…well, I will die in peace knowing my job is done. This next installment saw me fling south to Tassie. I wanted to see What All This MONA Fuss was about…and to sample some of the incredible food offerings I was hearing about from out of Hobart. I was also itching for a hike. So was my best mate Ragni. So we made it a mate’s getaway extended weekend together.

A favourite dawn shot, climbing Mount Amos. WHAT A DAY!
A favourite dawn shot, climbing Mount Amos.

As always, I will tell the story mostly through pictures. You can check out my other hiking shots at the hashtags #sarahwilsonhikes #bushhikes #bushexcursions on Instagram. If you want.


Visit MONA. I don’t need to bang on too much about the details of this incredible art experience. You can Google all about it. My take is this: my expectations weren’t grandiose, so I thought the experience was fabulous. Others, I know, arrive expecting (New York’s) MOMA.

And, yes, it was mostly the experience – the ride over in the camo-painted ferry with plastic sheep for seats and staff dressed in combat gear, was part of it. So, too, the fact you never quite know what’s art and what’s not. (For example, the

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