how much must you earn to be happy? that would be $75K a year for you.
Every week heralds some new study about what makes us happy. I always like the money ones. We all rather love to hear that having
Every week heralds some new study about what makes us happy. I always like the money ones. We all rather love to hear that having
This is really really cool. Last week Arcade Fire, Google and artist Chris Milk, launched “The Wilderness Downtown“, an interactive video set to the band’s
Lily’s just come out saying she can’t see the point of life and that she worries about her life not having substance. And she’s decamped
What do you think of this month’s Atlantic magazine cover story: The End of Men? The factoids to be drawn from it if you hate
A reader (and I’m sorry, I can’t recall exactly who) pointed me to this Rumi quote on bewilderment…. There are many guises for intelligence. One
This popped up on this morning – a rant by Clay Shirky an expert in “technology as a force for good” (who I’ve interviewed
I read this on Gala Darling today, an open letter to men by Christina Hendricks from Mad Men. I hope Gala doesn’t mind my replicating
Yesterday was surreal. I was caught between two worlds. And, in fact, yesterday was a classic example of the professional balancing act I walk most
While I was in New York last week, I hooked up with my Year 8 English teacher Mrs Cochrane. Fun-weird. We connected via a few
When I was a kid I used to feel dead sorry for Bert. He had to be the sensible anchor to Ernie’s silliness. Ernie got