David lynch on meditation: water the root

There’s a saying that goes along with the vedic style of meditation that I do:


water the root, enjoy the fruit.

Which is to say, put focus and care into your core every day and then the rest of life will simply flourish and express itself. Can I just say? It works.

I’ve been meditating in the vedic style for two years and I’ve gradually, and exponentially, become a sturdier tree with better fruit. It’s really working for me at the moment as I write. What’s coming out isn’t so nervous and false and flimsy. It’s grounded. I hope!!

Below is a montage of highlights from the Change Begins Within benefit gala held in December by the producer David Lynch who’s been meditating twice a day for 37 years. Lynch, who adheres to the transcendental style (very similar to the vedic style) teamed up with Martin Scorcese, Clint Eastwood, Katy Perry and Russell Brand to talk about meditation for this fund-raiser which raised $$ to teach 10,000 war veterans to meditate. Lynch raises $$ to expand the technique to disadvantaged kids and veterans and homeless people. The David Lynch Foundation is committed to teach 1 million kids to do meditation. Lynch  talks about watering the root…

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