More 7PM Project…fun!

And here, the links to the hosting segments I did just before Christmas… That dress is by Mimosa…Aussie label! Love Myf!!! We both got teary in the 2010 wrap-up in the second link below. It really was a big year…closing with the floods. Funnily Tom and I were on the same plane to Canberra in … Read more

shootings and floods: a very good Arianna Huffington reflection

A few hours ago Arianna Huffington wrote a deep, rich reflection on the craziness of the Arizona shootings, suggesting that it’s a reflection of a collective toxic immune system. Here the floods are a far more distressing issue. We’re all feeling powerless and at a loss as to how to fathom what’s happening. Arianna’s thoughts … Read more

the best ever iphone apps: a listicle (part 2)

A week or so ago I shared the apps I’m rapt about. Now a list of radical ones you use (albeit, not all of them are productive…in fact some are counterproductive…but I guess it’s that time of year), plus a few from people whose productivity levels we’re in awe of.

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My assistant Jo loves these (she should probably be on commission for selling in Echofon…she wouldn’t rest until she was allowed to put it on my phone):

Echofon for Twitter (free)

This is the best app around for twitter-on-the-go, especially for those like me who tend to tweet a lot! It’s easy to navigate, with some handy ‘echofon specific’ features that make it super quick to update your status, ‘reply all’ or ‘retweet with comment’. It also does all the standard twitter things, including pics and videos. Love it.

Talking Carl (free)

This is just for sillies, and fun. I do some work with foster kids, so it’s handy to have some quirky kid-friendly, distractable apps on my phone for those tantrum-type moments. Talking Carl is a crazy red guy, and if you touch him, he laughs, and talks. If you talk, he copies you, and it’s HILARIOUS. Kids(and adults) love him. Check it out. This is he:

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Kerri Sackville, blogger extraordinaire, soon-to-be-published author, and manic mum of three, raves about these:

Touchwriter ($1.99)

Okay, I’m loving Touchwriter. I’m forever writing myself notes, but a) always forget to carry a pen and paper, and b) lose the notes anyway. Touchwriter allows me to ‘handwrite’ notes with my finger, and then – unlike other ‘finger-writing’ apps – immediately shrinks the words as I write so that each notes can fit a lot of text. There is a space bar, paragraph break and different colours, and the notes can be saved or emailed. I prefer Touchwriter to the ‘finger-to-text’ apps, as I find they make a lot of errors when converting, and are hard to use.

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Sunday Life: how to stop being distracted and live in the now!

This week I reign in the mind wandering


Back when I edited a women’s magazine I learned very quickly that a lot of women worry that when they’re having sex they’re thinking about the washing in the tub that needs to be hung out, or the pork in the freezer that needs to be defrosted, or whether they have time to get their legs waxed on the way to their 11am meeting on Friday. As if mouldy washing isn’t enough to worry about, they worry that they’re worrying instead of being carried away in full orgasmic flight.

But hark! happiness expert and Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert this month released a much-hyped study on distractedness and found that we’re less distracted while having sex than while doing any other activity. The study used iPhone app trackyourhappiness to interrupt 2200 participants in the middle of everyday activities to track their emotions and focus. It found our minds wander 47 per cent of our waking lives, but only 10 per cent of the time when we’re getting jiggy with it (which begs, who answers their buzzing iphone app while having sex?!).

The study also found we’re happiest while having sex. And concludes happiness is inversely proportional to how much our mind wanders. So much so, that it doesn’t really matter what we do, so long as we don’t daydream while doing it.

To bundle it up into a catchphrase: you stray, you pay. Or to use the quasi-spiritual (slightly passive-aggressive?) parlance of our day: Babe, you really need to learn to live in the moment, like, now.

But how!? Psychologists, scientists, doctors and spiritualists agree living in the now works; it’s the method that eludes.

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New Year idea: reading (and a list of the books I’m into right now)

“I have sought rest everywhere, and have found it nowhere, save in a little corner, with a little book.” – Thomas à Kempis I’ve recently arrived at the same discovery as above. For the past month or two I’ve been coming home on a Saturday afternoon around 3pm and sitting in my cool loungeroom and … Read more

New Year idea: a pace for everything

My mum always says this: in the fullness of time. She’s a far calmer, softer, slower, gentler person than me. And over the years I’ve come to learn that…she’s right. When it comes to taking things a little slower, at least. She once sent me an embroidered place mat and suggested I use it to … Read more

New Year ideas: surround yourself in green

Over the next week or two I’ll post some reflections for a fresh start.


This one is from DailyOm about the colour green. I’ll extract it in part.

Green is a combination of the colors yellow and blue, … Blue exudes calm and peace, while yellow radiates liveliness and high levels of energy. As a marriage between these two very different colors, green is a unifier of opposites, offering both the excitement of yellow and the tranquility of blue. It energizes blue‚s passivity and soothes yellow‚s intensity, inspiring us to be both active and peaceful at the same time.

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new year intentions that suit auto-immune types…actually, anyone really!

I don’t so much like New Year resolutions. They have such a prohibitory ring. They’re about stopping and quitting and not touching. And about things in the future that you must get around to doing, as though what you’re currently doing is deficient.


I think intentions are a better flavour of crisp. Intentions are about moving forward in a good way, not an abrupt about-face. They ebb and flow, not force.

And I think intentions issued a few days shy of when you’re meant to adds a fresher twist.

So. My intentions, in no particular order, and that are kind of geared at soothing and healing my auto-immune craziness:

* frame my intentions in the positive. So, less “no more” statements. More, “OK, let’s try this instead” statements. Eg: I intend to eat more green vegetables (instead of I intend to stop eating chocolate).

* that said, I’m cutting back sugar in 2011. I’d ideally like a sugar-free life. But I’ll experiment gently. I’m starting by going for as long as I can without eating dark chocolate. Not as a test of endurance, but as a technique for getting me conscious about why I’m craving it. I’ll be doing other experiments in sugar-freeing myself. I know doing this will take me to the next level of healing. Stay tuned on this…

* Speaking of which, I intend to be gentle.

* To meditate more boldly, and more courageously… digging down deeper.

* To rest. Rest every day. I’ve started lying down for 20 mins and breathing into my stomach in the afternoons. Every day.

* To value rest. It’s not a waste of time. To be honest, I’ve worked out it’s the path to healing my AI. I know this. 2011 I intend to live it.

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