clever guerilla green bombs. nice.

This is an innovative use of something outdated and slightly crapp-ola (a lolly machine) transformed into something clever and randomly good (garden bombs).57369_8_468

I saw this on Springwise. They explain the concept best:

The brainchild of Los Angeles-based Common Studio, Greenaid aims to facilitate what it calls “guerrilla gardening” in the many forgotten grey spaces of the urban world, including sidewalk cracks, vacant lots and parking medians. It has reclaimed old, quarter-operated candy machines and converted them for use selling seed bombs—mixtures of clay, compost and seeds that can be thrown anonymously into derelict urban sites.

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The most efficient apartment ever

This is quite freaky: Architect Gary Chang has created a 24-rooms-in-one-32-square-metre apartment (translation: he’s taken a tiny apartment and converted it such that it functions as 24 different rooms….using sliding walls). Check this out: The New York Times describes it in more detail: The wall units, which are suspended from steel tracks bolted into the … Read more

lady ga ga’s tattoo: an inspiration (!)

I never thought I’d find solace on the inside of Lady Ga Ga’s arm. 58856919

But there you go. She got this tatt done at some late-night Japanese ink parlour…quoting her favourite philosopher Rainer Maria Rilke:

In the deepest hour of the night, confess to yourself that you would die if you were forbidden to write. And look deep into your heart where it spreads its roots, the answer, and ask yourself, must I write?

I like it. But me, I’d probably gone with one of Rilke’s other quotes, like this:

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Justin Bieber: close up and clear

I got close to Justine Bieber this morning. How close? This close:IMG_0163

Close enough to get what the screaming thousands of teen girls outside the Sunrise studio (where I was filming this am) are on about. He sells happy and fresh and clarity and unadulterated. And I bought it.

That’s what happens when you’re discovered overnight and there hasn’t been enough time for your enthusiasm to be watered down. In myyyyyy daaaaaay, you had to play in the garage a few years, graduate to the pub circuit, hope a scout from Stock Aitken and Waterman passes by, negotiate a deal and get a T-shirt line printed. Then maybe get a record released in three Christmas’ time. By which time, your zeal has been zipped a little. You’re 25 and a little hardened and cynical and compromised.

Justin has bypassed this due to the wonders of the inter-web. And his energy is clear and pure as a result.

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Sunday Life: the gorgeous value of strangers

This week I embrace my “consequential strangers”


Down the road from my place is one of those cheap nail bars with the vibrating vinyl chairs and wall-mounted TVs that’s always screening Dr Phil. I’m not a fancy nail person; I tear or chew mine. But one of my Favourite Things To Do In The Whole World is to go in for a $25 pedi, merely to take part in the funny human vibe of this place.

I love it. There you have Lena and her extended family from Vietnam buzzing with the efficiency of drone bees and bossing around the well-heeled, alpha-female PR executives and eastern suburbs wives who frequent the joint, telling them to choose their polish colour faster and berating them for putting their shoes on too early.

Gorgeously, it’s a social contract that suits everyone.

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have a sunny weekend xoxoxo

In my neck-o-woods it’s going to be a scorcher this weekend. The water here in Sydney is 23 degrees. Blimey.

One of Eugene's shot from this morning.

Which has posed a dilemma this week. I just got my hair coloured – darker for the cooler months. But my hairdresser has asked me to stop swimming so much, because it’s making my hair dull. I ignored her, but it does make me wince a little when I look at my salty, ratty mop just now.

Therein lies my dilemma as a girl who hates beauty regimes, doesn’t brush her hair, hates shopping etc, etc etc…BUT who works in an industry where she has to look and play a certain part. Square peg, round hole?

I tell you it’s exhausting. What to do with running top tan lines when you have to wear a strapless dress? I have a scab on my nose and shoulder today from running into a wall on my bike…and have to film on Monday. Oh dear.

My first day at Cosmopolitan, I arrived on crutches.

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